Connecthings Services mobiles sans contact NFC
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Smart City

smart city

Connecthings provides NFC mobile services to major cities in Europe and in Brazil. Thousands of NFC tags deployed around the cities deliver useful and engaging content on transport, events, shopping and tourism. Connecthings also provides fully integrated offers like touristic and shopping passes, implementing ticketing and couponing systems.



With a simple “check’in” or “like” on a NFC tag at the cash desk or with an iBeacon, easily enroll new customers and encourage loyal customers to revisit. Guide them to your shop and deliver time, location and profile-based services about your products inside the shop. Instantly create a dedicated mobile website for your coupon campaign.



Connecthings’ platform manages several networks of NFC tags displayed on bus stops all over the world. Based on our experience, we offer a robust and scalable solution to transport companies. We manage tag deployment, delivery of “one touch” information at bus stops, integration with real time information systems, supply of NFC & QR codes and stickers for outdoor, analytics and reporting.

Marketing campaign

marketing campaign

Enroll new customers and visitors, showcase your brand, retail or service. Encourage loyal customers to revisit more often. Guide them to your point of sale and provide contextual information - depending on time of day, location, user profile - on the products inside the store or the city. Offer mobile coupon.

Connecthings offers various marketing campaigns templates:

Tap2Store to leverage drive-to-store actions

Tap2Play to implement games

Tap2Engage to raise awarness and engagement with brands

Connecthings references